Open-access, full-text copies of The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center UTHealth Houston Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences dissertations from 2009 onwards. Topics include all aspects of the biomedical sciences.

Authors who expect to publish do have the option to withhold full text for a limited period of time. When that has been done, the reader will see a release date posted with the abstract.

Older GSBS dissertations (from approximately 1979-1999) are available, in print format only, at McGovern Historical Center. They can be found via OneSearch. Search by subject heading: "Dissertations, Academic--University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences" for the full list, click DigitalCommons@TMC, or use the main search box on the left navigation menu section to search for known individual dissertations.

Some older GSBS dissertations are also available online via ProQuest, but full-text access is restricted to TMC academic institutions affiliated with The TMC Library.


Theses/Dissertations from 2023


Bayesian Semi-Mechanistic Dose-Finding Designs For Phase I Oncology Trials, Chao Yang


Characterizing 3D epigenomes in pathological conditions, Ruoyu Wang


Characterizing The Regulation Of Candida Albicans Hyphal Morphogenesis In The Context Of Host Macrophages, Hannah Wilson


Conformational Rearrangements In The Sensory Rcsf/Omp Complex Mediate Signal Transduction Across The Bacterial Cell Envelope, Sarah Rosemarie Lach PhD


Cortical Representation Of Learning Social Interactions In Freely Moving Non-Human Primates, Melissa Franch


Deciphering The Role Of Huntingtin In Endosomal Functions, Yue Yu


Deephtlv: A Deep Learning Framework For Detecting Human T-Lymphotrophic Virus 1 Integration Sites, Johnathan Jia and Johnathan Jia


Development Of A Remote Dosimetric Audit Framework For Carbon Therapy, Paige Taylor


Development Of Novel Methods To Study Host-Microbe Interactions In The Larval Zebrafish Gastrointestinal Tract, Anh K. Trinh Nguyen


Downregulation of miR-10a-5p as a Potential Therapeutic Target to Improve the Detrimental Effects of Post-stroke Social Isolation, Patrick Mooz


Elucidating Mechanisms Involved In Host Microbial-Tumor Interactions, Vidhi Chandra


Elucidating The Direct Role Of M6A In The Human Transcriptome, Lana Al Hasani


Extending The Lifetime Of Optically Stimulated Dosimeters For Use In Output Checks At Iroc- Houston, Hayden Scott


Functional Analysis Of Daxx In Tumorigenesis Of Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors And Embryonic Development, Chang Sun


Functions Of The Trna Splicing Endonuclease And Other Adventures In Rna Processing, Jennifer Hurtig and Ambro van Hoof


Gene Expression–Based Algorithms For The Identification Of Drug Combinations In Personalized Medicine, Lon Fong


Genetic Analysis Of Crossover Defective Mouse Spermatocytes Reveals Discrete Crossover Precursor Intermediates, Tolkappiyan Prem Kumar


Genetic Regulation Of Müllerian Duct Regression, Malcolm Moses


Genomic Characterization of Adolescent and Young Adult Cancers: Investigation of Ewing Sarcoma Susceptibility and Chornobyl Thyroid Tumors, Olivia Lee


Hypoxia Activated Prodrug And Anti-Angiogenic Therapy Cooperate To Treat Pancreatic Cancer But Elicit Immune Suppressive G-Mdsc Infiltration, Arthur Liu


Identification and Delineation of Neuronal Pathways Underlying Hypophagia, Jing Cai


Identifying Functional Enhancers For Fibrotic Gene Regulation In Liver Fibrosis, Parnaz Merikhian


Impact Of Personal, Familial, And Socioeconomic Factors On The Return Of Remotely Collected Samples For Genetic Testing, Jordan Zeiger


Impact Of Recent Abortion Legislation On Patient Trust In Healthcare Providers, Jasmine Tyson MS


Improving Dose-Response Correlations For Locally Advanced Nsclc Patients Treated With Imrt Or Pspt, Yulun He